My #1 Tool to Help Photographers with their Businesses: Coaching.

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My mission is to help you create a business and life that you want: profitable, inspired and on your terms.  Give yourself permission to have the business you truly want. 


My #1 Tool to Help Photographers with their businesses? Coaching.

Yep, that’s right. My #1 Tool to Help Photographers with their businesses? Coaching.

I became a life coach so that I could improve my ability to help photographers, like you, take their business to the next level.

After years of coaching photographers, I was starting to notice that I was repeating myself.

I was saying the same things over and over to the same people, telling them how to do something, how I did it.

I became a life coach was so that I could improve my ability to help photographers, like you, take their business to the next level. After years of coaching photographers, I was starting to notice that I was repeating myself. I was saying the same things over and over to the same people, telling them how to do something, how I did it.

And I realized I was giving advice on how they could grow their business, how they should price themselves. What I did and telling them all the hows, but even though I knew these proven strategies would work in theory, they definitely worked for me and they worked on paper, but they could only work for my clients if my client believed it could work for them.

But it was that disconnect. There was something more, and it took me that long to figure out that the connection was in the mind.

It didn’t take long to hypothesize that many, not all, but many photographers weren’t able to take their business to the next level because they didn’t believe that they could.

Working on those beliefs – changing negative thought patterns and limiting beliefs is my #1 tool to help photographers build and sustain a long term prosperous photography business.

Take a listen to today’s podcast episode.

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