Your customer experience

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My mission is to help you create a business and life that you want: profitable, inspired and on your terms.  Give yourself permission to have the business you truly want. 


What is your customer experience and why is it so important?

Have you ever stopped for a minute and walked yourself through your customer experience?

We were operating a successful wedding photography business for over 15 years. We thought our website looked great. We had professional branding. The photos on our site represented what our brand stood for. The wording corroborated the story the photos were telling. We poured our heart out in blog posts, Instagram and Facebook. Our FAQ answered what I thought covered it all.

Guess what, I was wrong.

But it took a very sweet type A bride that was interviewing us to photograph her wedding to show me the deficit in her experience. 

She didn’t mean to. 

In fact, all she was doing was trying to find the best photographer for her wedding. 

Through our zoom call, multiple phone calls, emails back and forth, her riddling me with questions and me giving long winded answers helped me understand how little information our site actually provided. 

I was viewing our site from our perspective rather than our client’s perspective.

But it became clear to me that our site wasn’t answering her questions.  

Imagine how many other potential clients came to our site and felt the exact same way.

So how did we fix the user experience?

I reviewed my notes from our Zoom call, looked at the questions I had answered for her via email and recollected some of what we had discussed in our long phone calls.

Trust me I understood her. These were her wedding photos. A very important decision.

She was vetting the photographers very thoroughly because she wanted to make sure she was hiring the right team. 

The lesson learned from this was so incredibly beneficial to our business.

Immediately I walked myself through the user experience. What needed to be updated or changed?

We revamped the content on the site, updated our wording, put together a more thoughtful price list, added more product photos. We explained the process the entire way through. 

We wanted anyone and everyone to land on our wedding site and understand our core values, what matters most to us and how this affects / benefits our clients every step of the way.

The bride did not book with us. 

And guess what, that might be the best thing that ever happened to us as wedding photographers.

The moral of the story? 

Understand how your photography brand is fronting to the world. Are you providing a real brand story? Are you addressing your client’s concerns? Are you answering their questions? 

Put yourself in their shoes, view your presence from their perspective. 

Once you’ve figured out what needs to be tweaked, adjust accordingly. If you focus on improving your customer experience it will easily make you standout from your competition.

Know what that means? More sales. More conversions. More clients. More dollars.

You will be eternally grateful for taking the time to audit your client experience.

5 Ways to improve customer experience on your website

Want to know the secret to making a million dollars a month in revenue?

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