the prosperous photographer

These 3 Steps are the Foundation for my Six Figure Photography Businesses

These 3 Steps are the Foundation for my Six Figure Photography Businesses 

Take the first steps to create the outcome you want for your business. Attract better clients by standing out. Learn Money Making Strategies that easily grow your business.  Get started right here. 

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Introducing my FREE 3-step guide to create the foundation for your business to thrive. Follow these steps to scale your business, connect and convert with your ideal clients and make more money.

Want the Best Year Ever in your Photography Business?

Get the Guide

Here's What we cover in this free course:

module one

Nail down your superpower. Discover what makes you different. What makes you stand out from all the other photographers in your niche? 

module two

Convey your brand's unique personality and create a connection with your potential clients. Craft your messaging, speak directly to who you want to attract.

module three

Understand your client's journey. Getting this work done is a first step to building a solid business foundation and creating momentum. This client journey will help you grow your business,  increase your bookings, make more money, and build long term customer loyalty.

Hello, I'm Melissa.

I want you to have a photography business that affords you the life you want. And I want you to achieve this faster and easier than we did. 

For over two decades I have been working with my husband in our photography business. During that time I used my know how from my previous entrepreneurial career and scaled this business to multiple 6-figure photography businesses, became a photographer myself and now we are living our dream life in Paris.

I want to share all I learned along the way, let you peek behind the scenes and gain the knowledge you need to avoid some of the mistakes we made and create a photography business that works for you.

you're in the right place.

Get the Course →

I've taken what I've learned over the past 20+ years in our photography businesses to create courses designed to help you  have your best year yet. Imagine booking your ideal clients consistently. Scaling your business. Easily making more money.  In this FREE Course you will learn how these 3 steps will help you build a brand that connects + converts and creates raving fans!

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say hello to your most profitable year yet