Website Speed

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How is your website speed important to your business?

When we talk about website speed – what do you even mean? Really we are talking about how fast your website loads on both a desktop + a phone.

What is Mobile-First Design & How Can it Help Your Business?

I wrote this article and had it published on JPEG Mini. So why not share it here?

Everyone can benefit from a little SEO help. Let’s be honest, I doubt that every small business owner thinks about how the load time of their website directly effects their business?

While I’m sure some do, some haven’t even given it consideration.

Here’s an easy breezy example of what I mean. Have you ever done your search, clicked on whatever site you found most relevant to what you were looking for. Then you click on that website link and it takes forever to load? What do you do, wait and wait and wait? Get frustrated? Click to the next site that popped up in your search results?

Of course, we expect everything to load quickly. And if not, time to move on.

Well guess what, while we may be impatient waiting for a site to load while sitting at our desktop – we get even more impatient if we are on a hand held device.

Think about it. None of us have patience for a site taking forever to load. We want the site to pop right up, load quickly. Give you the information you are searching for.

If not, you move on.

Moving on (to the business owner) means you have lost a potential customer.

So are you starting to understand why page speed might be important to your business?

Here’s a little excerpt from my article:

“Let’s be honest, a website that loads slowly is one of the most annoying things in the world.

In fact, a study by Ericsson revealed that delays in loading web pages and videos lead to increased heart rates and stress levels. The level of stress caused by mobile delays was comparable to watching a horror movie.

Do you know how fast the mobile and desktop versions of your site load? If your site does not load fast enough, users will often click away and find competitors before your site finishes loading.

Improving the page speed of your site will result in folks finding you faster; BUT and this is a big but, people searching for information on their mobile device versus their desktop computer expect results even faster”.


Next I will cover how to test your site speed and ways you can improve your customer experience.

Have you ever walked yourself through your customer’s experience? It can be an eye-opener for sure.

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