Weekly Exercise: Creating a Life Plan

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Life Plan, Vision Board, Life Vision, Dream Board, Massive Action

It doesn’t matter what you call it but having a daily visual reminder of your dreams and goals is a must for you to stay present to your desired outcome. Reaching a goal requires a plan and having something laid out in front of you will help you stay focused, from teeny little steps to large progress towards this bigger picture you have for your life.

Your plan, board, vision or action can be as simple as a short list or as elaborate as a well crafted dream board hanging prominently on your wall for you to see every single day. 

I have done it several ways. Over 4 years ago, I created on a large piece of that oversized sticky post it note paper a short list of goals: Get out of Debt, Create a certain amount of money in our bank account and Buy an Apartment in Paris. Simultaneously, I had several Pinterest boards that were visuals of the home I would have in France. And on top of that, I went to Home Depot and had them cut a massive piece of pressed board that I hung above my desk that had magazine tear sheets, post cards, maps, photos of everything that represented the lifestyle I wanted pinned for me to see. 

Debbie downers and naysayers will write that you can’t manifest something just by pinning it on a board. But my answer to that is if you don’t name your dream in some shape or form and get it out there for you to see and aspire to every single day it is less likely to happen. 

Since I posted that large sticky note over 4 years ago – we paid off all of our debt, created more in our bank account then I had written down and decided that Paris was not for us. (Love to visit, my favorite city in the world but just not the right spot for this season of our lives.) But the south of France, Montpellier in particular, check all of our boxes. So I am sitting here typing this on my new bed, in my incredible new apartment in Montpellier. 

Everything happened on that list. Guess why? Because we worked towards it every single day. In some shape or form. Maybe just speaking of it, talking as if it was a certainty, creating that belief in ourselves that this was going to happen, because we decided it was going to happen. Law of Attraction anyone???


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  1. […] to create a life plan and reinvent yourself after […]



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