5 Reasons You Need to Blog

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your business needs to blog

Why blog for business?

It’s a fact, businesses that blog have better results.

I might even argue that a blog is the best marketing tool you have.

And it’s all yours. The content is yours, you control it and the whole wide world has access to it.

I know, I know blogging can be a ton of work, but it is really worth the time and effort for so many reasons. 

1. Get Exposure + Visibility. To be honest, this is probably why I started blogging over 10 years ago. The wedding photography industry is a crowded market, blogging allowed us to stand out. Gorgeous photos made for easy visual content but we knew we had to do more than that. We had to tell stories.

2. Long Term Benefits. Continuously blogging over the years has led to brand awareness and organic marketing. Clients find us through a variety of ways but our blog content is right up there at the top and it has been this way year after year.

3. Your blog has a personality. It gives you a voice. It not only allows you to influence people but it helps you establish yourself as a leader in your niche. Potential clients trust you before they contact you. When you provide useful, relevant content, you are building relationships with clients.

4. Be Creative. Blogging might be content marketing, but you control the content. You can pursue your passion through your words, challenge yourself to write useful content that means something to the reader because it means something to you. It is really hard to write about something you don’t care about. Inject yourself into your writing, stretch yourself and you will be amazed at the results.

5. Solve Problems. Think for a second, why do you google something? Because you need an answer to a question. So answer your potential clients questions in your blog posts. Is a bride wondering if she should have a photographer at her rehearsal dinner? Give her the reasons why she should.

Blogging is your platform.

Provide useful, fresh content for people. Solve their problems. Build relationships. Provide value. Boost your SEO. Embrace your passion and let the world know about it.

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