The Formula to Making Money More Consistently

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My mission is to help you create a business and life that you want: profitable, inspired and on your terms.  Give yourself permission to have the business you truly want. 


Keith and I started recording our course this week – The 50K Blueprint: How to add 5 Figures to your Photography Business. 

We had a mini round table of sorts, just he and I, the videographer and our recollections of how we were able to create six figures in our business using a one light set up. 

The other day in my podcast I mentioned 17 years ago we started or rather the seed was planted. But it was actually almost 20 years ago. The combination of Jay Leno, Las Vegas, The Blue Man Group, Valentine’s Day in Phoenix or maybe it was Verrado? The memories and recollections verge together after all these years.

It was fun bantering back and forth about my ‘crazy’ got to do it now ideas, Keith’s ego and me lobbying him relentlessly till he hears every side of my argument why bien sur this is THE idea to market for our photography business. 

I think back to working with our business coach, brainstorming in our kitchen in Scottsdale. Gabby was not even walking yet and Isabella or was it my niece Ava that swallowed their loose tooth at the kitchen island while we were trying to figure this all out.  

We didn’t want a complex way to add income to our business.  This new business idea had to make sense and complement our existing business because we needed to see results fast. (aka we needed to make more money, bills to pay, kids to feed!)

Kurt was the best idea guy I have ever worked with. He really helped us dial in our niche, position ourselves and craft our offer. This took a lot of white boarding – a lot of brainstorming – a lot of analyzing – and we spent A LOT of money.

But in the end we figured out the formula. 

I don’t think sitting in that sunny kitchen, Pooch on my lap with my kids playing in the next room we could have imagined that we were creating a business that was going to be so impactful on our lives.

Creating a great product made it easy to sell because we were offering something done differently. It was easy to market because the product helped us stand out. It was easy to sell because it was sought after. 

This isn’t rocket science – it is a practical mix of experience and knowhow that we want to share with you. 

The 50k Blueprint will be available May 15th.

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