What do you Believe about your Photography Business?

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My mission is to help you create a business and life that you want: profitable, inspired and on your terms.  Give yourself permission to have the business you truly want. 


A lot of you may look at your photography business and not believe that more is possible. You wish, you want, but you aren’t sure how.

💡To start believing more is possible we have to start with a new thought about what you want for your business.

🙋‍♀️‘I want to be able to leave my 9-5 job so I need my photography business to earn $50,000 year to replace my salary’

But right now you don’t believe this thought. You think it is currently impossible.

▶You possibly have alternative thoughts to explain why you can’t earn the $50k to leave your job.

▶It’s just a hobby who am I to think I can actually quit my job and pay my bills

▶Where I live there are too many photographers and there is no way to stand out in the sea of people doing exactly the same thing I do

▶That photographer that ranks first on google has more experience than me, they are lucky to be ranked first so of course they will get a client first

▶There are days I don’t even know where to start working on my business because it seems like there is too much to do.

▶Then I put a bunch of effort in and I have no results to show for it. No inquiries, or the inquiries I get are from people price shopping and they just want a discount or a deal.

And then those negative emotions pop up.

🧨‘I feel overwhelmed and confused. And disappointed in me because I can’t get the results I want. What am I missing? Why can’t I figure this out?’

Why do we believe these negative thoughts?

Because we currently have no evidence to prove otherwise. We look at our past, what we have done without success, so we believe that we will get more of the same results.

To create a new belief for our photography business (or somewhere else in our lives) we have to believe in something we have never created before, a future version of our business. We have to stop living and acting within these limitations we have created for ourselves.

🏆This is so achievable…let’s start by visualizing the outcome you want. What does it look like? To make more money? To have less stress? To have it figured out?

I didn’t know it at the time but taking this first step – was literally the first step to stepping out of this very uncomfortable comfort zone.

I was holding myself back because I had no evidence that anything else was possible.

Take the first step – visualize what you want. What your life will look like. Who you will become. What business you will have.

Tomorrow we will take the next step.

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