the prosperous photographer

Time is the most limited, valuable currency you possess

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My mission is to help you create a business and life that you want: profitable, inspired and on your terms.  Give yourself permission to have the business you truly want. 


The most valuable currency in the world is time. Since moving to France we have been able to establish a more beneficial work life balance where we work to live rather than live to work. 

Having more quality time is one of the main reasons we moved to France – to be more present with each other – as a couple and as parents.

The hustle and bustle, the endless hours of drive time, missed weekends together, the merry go round of crazy busy lives…that we had to jump off of in order to slow it down.

Keith and I have found time for ourselves with short overnights around the French countryside, multiple trips to Paris and hell, we are even taking salsa lessons. 

With the kids we have daily promenades to the gym, multiple dogs walks per day, the various outdoor markets around town, trying to remember that restaurants are closed between 2:30-7p, enjoying a coffee on a lazy afternoon discussing whatever we want to chat about. A much slower life.

That doesn’t mean that we haven’t started up our French businesses and still work as photographers. But it has changed. 

The mentality here is that there should be plenty of time built into your life to enjoy the things that matter. And we are adapting to this lifestyle just perfectly.

Excited to say goodbye to winter and say bonjour to spring – May is going to be a pretty spectacular month.

This is a great article on how valuable is your time by James Clear.

[posting these photos I realized that we do not have any of the four of us, probably because one of us is always taking the photos. but the first photo was taken on Gabby’s 16th birthday, Keith was doing birthday portraits of her and I jumped in. The second photo is Isabella’s 18th birthday – we took a mother daughter trip to Champagne! I treasure this time spent together (and of course time spent with Keith as well!)

Don’t miss this post about Failing yourself forward. Remember, we learn from all of our mistakes!

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