the prosperous photographer

Give yourself permission to succeed

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My mission is to help you create a business and life that you want: profitable, inspired and on your terms.  Give yourself permission to have the business you truly want. 


running a successful photography business

You can be as successful as you want to be but will you allow yourself?

Running a photography business is tough. It can be highly rewarding but it can also be challenging. There are so many demands and it can feel overwhelming at times. On top of that, you may not be making enough money or the money that you deserve to for the amount of effort you put in. 

You are a good photographer but your business is a rollercoaster. Unpredictable and inconsistent. Feast or famine. 

What isn’t aligning? It is easy to stay in the place of overwhelm or inaction when you try and think of what you should be doing differently. 

When your energy is positive, you envision it all working out and take productive steps in that direction.  

When your energy is negative, you spiral – comparing yourself to others that appear to be more successful, get upset with yourself that you can’t figure this all out, maybe do a little blaming, a little feeling bad for yourself, throw in a little disbelief and sprinkle on top the inaction that is paralyzing when you get down on you.

But what if you reworked this negative energy and decided not to stay in the place of overwhelm or inaction and allowed yourself to imagine a different possibility for your business?

What if you learned how not to quit? What would that look like?

To be successful takes intention. A plan for your business that you work on every single day. One that you don’t quit on when the going gets tough. You make mistakes and you learn from them. 

The struggle is real, I know as well as you do. But what I know now after all these years is that my energy and how I dealt with adversity in my day to day business was the catalyst for success.

Allow yourself the freedom to look into the future and envision what your successful business looks like. Allow the past mistakes, failures, comparisons to be the stepping stones that you build upon. You have learned so much since starting this business. 

Everything is possible, you just need to allow yourself to believe it. 

Want to read a little more about Creating a Profitable Photography Business?

My husband has just launched his street photography workshops for 2023. So excited for him!

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