What is the Model?

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My mission is to help you create a business and life that you want: profitable, inspired and on your terms.  Give yourself permission to have the business you truly want. 


The Model is the one tool you need to change anything in your life by helping you understand how your circumstances, thoughts, feelings, actions, and results work. *Brooke Castillo, The Life Coach School

Your circumstance triggers thoughts that produce feelings that generate actions that create your results.

Learning the power of your thoughts and how you can use that to improve your outcomes is at the core of the model.

But let’s put this into a real example so that it becomes a little clearer.

Since I became a life coach and started my new business, I have had a really hard time putting my voice out there in the world. I keep having this thought that ‘no one wants to hear what I’m saying’.

Today after writing my morning pages, I decided that today was going to be the day. I’m going to post an Instagram Reel for my business using my authentic voice. This is what had been happening in my head for the last few weeks:

The circumstance of posting the reel for my business triggered the thought that ‘no one wants to hear what I’m saying’ which then produced the feeling of me being discouraged which generated no action, I didn’t post a reel on Instagram which then created the result that ‘no one will hear what I have to say’ because I let this thought have power over me and my business.

We call this an unintentional model. But without jumping too far ahead, what we really want to create for ourselves is an intentional model.

What thought would serve me better? ‘I don’t care if anyone wants to hear what I have to say’. I’m saying it anyway, because I know that there are women out there just like me and others that I have helped, that want to reinvent themselves and need encouragement, direction, to know that they aren’t alone.

So my intentional model looked like this.

The circumstance of posting the reel for my business triggered the thought that ‘I don’t care if anyone wants to hear what I have to say’ (I’m saying it anyway) which then produced the feeling of me being optimistic which generated positive action, I posted a reel on Instagram which then created the result that ‘people started hearing what I have to say’. And guess what? I survived. I let that original thought go and replaced it with a new thought that had a better outcome.

This is an over simplified example of the model. But it drives home the point. What we think is what we create.

I have to stop worrying about being judged, about what people are going to think about me. I KNOW I can help more and more women like me, over 50, reinvent their life. Because I have done it myself, with other women and I know what it takes to get started and make this dream, these results, this massive action happen.

Can’t wait to dive in more because once you start understanding how the model works, your life (like mine) will never be the same!

[Check out my first Instagram reel related to helping with the model]

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