How to Become Happier

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My mission is to help you create a business and life that you want: profitable, inspired and on your terms.  Give yourself permission to have the business you truly want. 


I don’t keep actual stats on this, but I believe I get asked this question by clients more than any other – How can I become happier?

I’m sure we can all agree that there is no magic pill for becoming a happy person or finding more happiness in our life. But there are action steps to take and tools we can use to find happiness and create more of it in our lives.

A little while ago I created a worksheet called 10 Action Steps to be Happier. That is a great stepping off point, a list that makes you think and that can have incredible impact.

But it is only an overview. I felt I needed to take a deep dive and create a step by step process, using the contents of that worksheet as my basic framework. I created a mini course: How to Become Happier in 21 days.

I have really taken this ‘happy’ question to heart. How can we really become happier? It was important to me to make this quest actionable and not just theory or positive affirmations (which I love). But an examination of the quality of our thoughts and how that contributes to our daily lives and potentially this happiness transformation if we open ourselves up to taking action.

By using these 21 Day step by step actions to uncover our beliefs, find our strengths, become intentional and create new practices, this transformation is tangible. It will empower you through enduring change to create more happiness in a few minutes a day.

Sounds too good to be true? Not in the long run. But in the short term it is eye opening self reflection, digging in to uncover the stories we have told ourselves since the dawn of time, created for ourselves that have been restricting us from being open to happiness.

The 21 Day Journey to Happiness will cover thought work, journal exercises, worksheets, action steps and self coaching – giving you the necessary tools to create this high quality outcome you desire for your life. Becoming happier and living the life you want.

I’ve created this journey for you to become empowered and eliminate the obstacles preventing you from finding happiness.

Join me. Get on the waitlist now.

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