the prosperous photographer

Worksheet: How to be Happier

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My mission is to help you create a business and life that you want: profitable, inspired and on your terms.  Give yourself permission to have the business you truly want. 


Wanting to be happy is something that I’m sure most of us have struggled with at some point in our lives.

Wondering how to be happier can seem like a never ending journey.

Deep down I believe that in order to find happiness in our lives we need to feel better as a person.

That face you see everyday in the mirror is always with you. So doing the work on the inside first will become a catalyst to change the external things in your life that you believe are not creating happiness for you.

But not before that inner work is done.

The more I started to think about this I jotted down a few thoughts I had on being happy and being me. Unquestionably, happiness is an internal thing, it is found on the inside.

Happiness starts with you.

I jotted down 10 Actions to be Happier and realized that this shit is not easy. It sounds so easy breezy on the surface but it is anything but once you start digging in.

Managing your thinking is tough but life changing.

Join me as we do this together.

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  1. […] Check out my worksheet: How to be Happier […]

  2. […] little while ago I created a worksheet called 10 Action Steps to be Happier. That is a great stepping off point, a list of thought provoking thoughts that can have incredible […]



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