the prosperous photographer

How to change your life in 10 minutes a day

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My mission is to help you create a business and life that you want: profitable, inspired and on your terms.  Give yourself permission to have the business you truly want. 


Do you want to change your life? I invite you to make a 30 day commitment to do a daily thought download.

Take 10 minutes every day and empty out the contents of your brain on a piece of paper. Every single thought you are having until you fill the page. There will be nothing thoughts, positive thoughts and lots of negative thoughts.

This quick daily exercise will have the following benefits:

  1. Doing this exercise creates such an awareness of your thought patterns, many of which you probably aren’t even aware of.
  2. How does your thinking impact the outcomes in your life? You will start to notice patterns in your thinking and what results they lead to.
  3. Take these daily 10 minutes to open up a dialogue about the life you want to create through conscious thoughts. This is where the change starts to take place.

Pick one of the thoughts from your daily thought download – decide how you want to feel and create a deliberate new model.

Doing this regularly, you will start to see how moving from a non intention model (unconscious thoughts from your daily download) to an intentional model (choosing a thought that has the potential of resulting in a more positive outcome) will impact your life immediately.

I will show an example from my thought download this morning. I woke up, started writing in my journal all the thoughts I had. Before I went to bed I had to hang up after 2 hours of waiting to book Keith, his mom and 2 of our dogs on a flight to France. I went to bed frustrated that I hadn’t accomplished it.

So when I woke up and did my thought download, I had some very negative thoughts about the progress of our move. Even though I have clearly done so much, I kept thinking that there was so much more to do. Especially regarding the airfare. So I chose the thought “I am getting nothing done”. Because that was how discouraged I was when I went to bed. It was like a ‘failure’ hangover when I woke up.

But getting nothing done is not serving me or my move right now. I need to get this all taken care of and not wallow in inaction. So I changed my thought to “I have done so much, found an apartment, furnished it, etc. etc. the last few things to do are the airfare and schedule the mover. Just get it done.”

This new thought made me feel excited, because the move is exciting and we are so close. So my intentional model became based around that thought. I immediately called back the airline (with the time difference I only had to wait 7 minutes) and booked the flights. Send a follow up email to the mover. And now I’m off to Ikea to grab a few items.

I could have continued to go down the thought path of my unintentional model left over from last night and had written in my thought download. But choosing to get rid of that thought and replace it with something that made me more productive, excited and accomplished helped me achieve my desired outcome.

This model works so perfectly. The awareness it brings to thought patterns is incredible.

So after you do your thought download, take a few more minutes and do an unintentional and intentional model. Can you see how this work will help you achieve your desired results? It isn’t magic, but it is real helpful. Another reminder that your thoughts create your life!

These 10 minutes a day will change your life!

Here’s a little more info on the daily Thought Download

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  1. […] Want to change your life in 10 minutes per day? […]



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